Nice one Pete! Looking forward to the next chapters! Funnily enough it was Dickie Gales who put the link up to this on the BC Facebook page so I know he's seen it too.
Favour to ask though - what was the name of the big guy who used to work/run the NWC store in Dartford? I remember taking a bottle of vodka in to the shop late 88 to celebrate Christmas but never even got a sip of it. Didn't even see it come off the counter! Gutted I was.
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Favour to ask though - what was the name of the big guy who used to work/run the NWC store in Dartford? I remember taking a bottle of vodka in to the shop late 88 to celebrate Christmas but never even got a sip of it. Didn't even see it come off the counter! Gutted I was.
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