The registration for MOSCOW event in Russia starts today!!!
You can register your team on the Russian department on Centurio web-site:
Moreover you can register your team ONLINE! Just fill out the registration form and push the “Register team” button.
But that’s not all!

Do not forget about the registration fee. Sending the registration form is just the first step

You can pay the registration fee to "APG" in Moscow or to any of Centurio organizers.
Also I want to remind that Nickolay Sobolev (APG) will be in Warsaw. So you can pay the fee to him directly during the Warsaw event.
Attention: from the 6th of July the 50 EUR late registration fee will be applied for all Divisions!!
The deadline is July 22.
You should visit this event for total impression of Centurio events in all. Centurio League is the collection of individual events. Every event has something original and special. It depends on a holding country a lot. And to understand all the Centurio League you should visit them all

So, we are waiting for you and your team in Moscow!
Note that many foreign visitors must apply for visa. Please check with Russian consulate in your country.
Information about the place of holding and the hotels we will have later. So stay with us!
Also, the registration for Warsaw event is not closed yet. You still have some time left till 15th of June to register your team and to visit this event.
I want to remind that our Polish organizer decided to put to the web site just the teams who have been paid the registration fee already. So don’t let this information to mislead you.

Because we have much more of registration forms.
See you in Warsaw!