Another paint that Celtic make is called bullet chest or something like that i really cant remember whats its called but its in a brown box with a halal badge. That is good paint, nice and round etc.
The stuff we had then was obviously a bad batch and was a different flavour, Celtic dont just have 1 type or quality of paint. The question was about celtic paint not a specific box full or type. For example DXS have gold silver bronze etc, if you said DXS is mint paint because you only shoot gold (ex hellfire stuff) then you cant really comment on the bronze can you?. Likewise if you shot bronze and it didnt perform like gold at an event then would you judge DXS as a company and call every flavor they have?
Either way Proto is my fave BZ PAINTBALL AND PROTO PAINT FTW lol, and i say that honestly as a personal opinion having shot many brands etc
Edit:- - there you go the stuff on the left in the brown box is good, the stuff on the right was what you were whining about