In Nov 02 pgi Maurice Gibb Interview he said '' I know the Estephans wanted to play, and i know the Backstreet Boys had a team for a bit,N-sync wanted to play too.William Shatner's More a commander, he does the scenario thing. But Mel Gibson- he's a bloody good player... i know that Lenny Kravitz plays, he lives on the same island as i live on in Miami, and he comes and plays sometimes. Even Lennox Lewis plays, he loves paintball'' Now these are definately the people we could do with to promote the sport just think of what they could do for paintball . I think Ozzy Osborne has played, Diablo used him and i think Jack for a promo for their paint, also Arnold Schwarzenegger was a guest at a major paintball site in the us see latest pgi has a report on it