Originally posted by Heaven
The event is not as good as they kept saying ,the venue just feels like a dartford 7 tournament with just a little bit more glitz.
The trand stands are not as good as last year.
I have to agree to an extent.
The venue might not be as glamourous as Crystal Palace but it does the job.
The Trade stands, whilst not as many, do have a lot of stuff available. The major gripe I have is companies go and don't take their full range of products - WGP, nice markers but nothing else? and they weren't the only ones.
In terms of play, X-Ball is where its at! I only watched a few 7 man games and even short games seemed boring compared to X Ball. I think the fact that the crowd can get involved really adds to atmosphere. Maybe it's time 7-man allowed the same the involvement?
Overall it was good and if I could I go back Sunday for the finals, I would.