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Campaign DVD


Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2001
Griffin, GA, USA
Originally posted by NIALL
Why not?? I know its taken a while but its only a couple of weeks away.

Or haven't you yet discovered the miracle of DVD.

Oh no Niall. I discovered DVD about 3 years ago. I am just ready for it to be here thats all. I pre-ordered my copy about 3 weeks ago and I want it.:D


Nov 25, 2001
Planet Piper away from you freaks!
I know we have been saying 2 weeks for ever.... but it was out of our hands. We are renting the studio from a friend of Jims but he has a bussiness to run, so sometimes we get kicked out! Seems harsh but it is fair!

Niall and Jim have both been in the studio late this week to try and get it all finished. It is now at the sub edit stage. This means all the graphics have too be done and the voice over. Once this is complete it will go for production straight away. We are planning to have them ready to ship (for those that have pre ordered) the week of the indoor, now if everything goes to plan that is the time frame we are now looking at. So think that is about the world famous paintball 2 weeks!

Once they are in my hands I will ship them out the same day! Promise. Fat Blokes never lie.

Thanks for your patience


Pretty boy
Jul 10, 2001
Hate to say it, but am building agression for tourney next week.
I pre ordered well before xmas, and was promised it would be with me before Xmas day.

Now you are saying feb!

I know what u r doing is unique, but borrowing a friends studio?
with all the other effort involved in this DVD i wouldnt have thought renting a video editing suite would been so much of a problem.

Kinda feel a little robbed at the moment, These things should have a release date, not just a constant 2 weeks, sorry folks kinda time frame.

Also a shame those that pre ordered have not been kept up to date with whats happening. I ordered, recieved confirmation. And have heard nothing since. Now i would be a very unhappy shopper if it wasnt for this forum. Not sure but is there some legal stuff about ordering online and not getting goods as promised?

I guess my point is, yes i agree this is gonna be a great product etc etc etc.

Just a shame its been sullied by an unprofessional release.

Better luck next time :)



Nov 25, 2001
Planet Piper away from you freaks!

When I said a Friends studio.... He is a Editor and has the full monty studio.....My mistake for not explaining!

Yes I agree we should have told you what was going on, yes we should have given a better time frame that 2weeks. For that I am sorry that we have not kept up our end of the bargain.

What we are doing is the first ever Paintball DVD which is a first for us!. If we had of done it for Xmas like we said it would have been crap! I am sure you would not want that would you?

Please be patient and the day I get them in the office is the day they leave!


Andy Piper


Jul 7, 2001
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So , I guess I pretty much need to get a DVD player now then....I hope this is the excuse I need to convince the other half to let me buy one....

Niall, Andy, this better be F*****G good!! My sex-life depends on it!!...Oh, no, wait...I've got a new kid...I don't have a sex life any more....DOH!!

Oh, did you say it was gonna be at the indoor?? eh??



New Member
Jul 9, 2001
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It has been our intention all the time to get this DVD out as soon as is possible. But why hurry it. You don't want to watch it just once do you?

Yes Ralson is an old friend,but is also a producer of many quality TV shows. The big paying contracts have to come first for him, The quality of his work is reknown, therefore we are prepared to fit in with his schedule.

The DVD Is in post production which basically means its near as damn it finished, We have said before dates that we thought it would be ready, and got that wrong. Sorry but we've never been involved in a project like this before.

So (with fingers crossed) providing bloody Nickolodian dont block book the studio next week we will have the DVD out in less than 2 weeks!!@!!! Its clear at the moment.

Is that ok Famine? If not call for a refund..We aint ripping any one off, quite the opposite.

Firstly, the efforts of Niall, Andy and all those invovled with the Campaign DVD have to be acknowledged. Hats off for trying something new. I personnally can't wait for the dam thing, coz i've heard rumours that i have been captured making a prat of myself (as usual!) on film! Great, i appologise now!

However, (it had to come!) here's a suggestion from someone who might be able to help (ish!!). Niall and crew, you would have found it a whole lot easier, cheaper and quicker to commission an independant production company to do the filming, production and pressing than try to do it (i may have this completely wrong - if i do i appologise!) a little on the cheap?!! Try it out for the next Campaign, you won't be sorry. If needed i may be able to point you in a couple of directions?

Anyways, fingers crossed for having it available at the indoor! And well done for producing what i am sure will be a must for every paintball nut!