The good...
* XL Turf - if only all paintball venues had this as the surface - simply amazing.
* Best move ever seen (TM) - Kelly's Vs Someone (apologies I forgot the team name). Two Kelly's guys left against the opposition on the Dye field. Opposition bloke comes down the right tape and shoots a Kelly out of the left 60 T-bag (think it was Chris Stone) and the Kelly who is watching the right tape from the left (Wayne Kelly I think) knows he has missed the shot cross field so immidiately darts back to his back left, then knows he hasn't been seen and moves back to back centre, then around to backright, springts up the tape, mugs out the opposition player in the big circle on the right and then shoots across field to shoot the last opposition player out, hangs the flag, gets the girl, saves the world, roll credits, the end. Mind blowing move showing amazing foresight (the running back when he missed the first shot was impressive enough). Worth going to CC just to see that (Bowen Pratts snake move on the millenium field against Cyclone was also very impressive).
* location - NEC, easy access from motorway, hope it stays there for next year
* judging, wasn't there for Sunday but friday and saturday were well reffed, saw very few incidents of people getting away with wipes etc and they were all handing out 1 4 1's like they were going out of fashion
The bad...
* Tanoy/Snynchronised starts - for crying out loud, why not start all fields at the same time, with an announcement before hand saying which teams are playing on each field so you can choose which game to watch? Even that UK domestic I dare not write the name of does that and it makes following the schedule so much easier. Also, why go to the trouble of getting exposure for the event and then having no means of telling people what is happening on each field. It was annoying as a player but when watching it was even worse as some fields were ahead meaning you got to a field to watch a couple of pro teams bash heads (as per schedule) and it had already been played.
* Runaway guns - mentioned on another thread but the Ton Ton markers were a farce in every game I watched. I also think the Millennium ramping rules are near impossible to police. Some fields you went on with PSP mode, no questions asked, the others would not. This subject has been done to death I suppose
* Signs - venue was tricky to find when you actually got to the NEC, mentioned elsewhere but this was a big problem. May also be worth publishing the GPS co-ordinates for sat nav users too in future?
* 8 games - it's toss. Should definately be 10. I hope Millennium can make it 10 for 2006.
* Food prices - shameful
* Toilets - not enough, not cleaned regulaly enough or stocked up with toilet paper often enough. I'm talking mostly the players area ones. One of the bogs looked like a huge bowl of domestos and turd soup for the majority of Saturday morning. Basic sanitation is always nice.