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Calling All Angry Ballers


Wizard, of sorts...
Feb 27, 2002
Nottingham, England
Originally posted by -Suicide-
i havent read pgi as i havent subscribed,
*points -Suicide- toward the door*

tsk...kids these days...Anyway...back on topic. **** that pisses me off...

Field maintenance....right I know tourney refs have a hard and thankless job but it really gets my goat up when between games they can't be bothered to clean bunkers down and make sure those suckers are still securely nailed down. I remember sliding in once at a tourney last year and the barricade went flying forward, lead to some mad scrabbling to get the thing back into position. Managed to stay alive (just) only to get pulled by a marshal for 'altering the field'....tosser

Marker Tarts......Yeah i know it's lame and mostly derived from envy but they really annoy the crap out of me. I have to scrabble and save for months on end to get a new toy but those *******s are buying a new one every few months and then selling it a few weeks later because they changed their minds....gits

Posts in netting.... The netting round tourney fields is great, allowing spectators to get close to the action but still say safe. Unfortunately this netting is normally held up but posts and while paintballs bounce off the netting, they don't when they hit the posts. This means that spectators get their nice slacks sprayed with paint, which doesn't encourage more people to get up close and watch games. Can't they work something out where the posts are padded or netted in a way that this problem couldn't occur?

Now i realise that my beefs are rather weedy and pathetic but Mario and Offspring stole my other ideas.

EDIT: Minor PS: I think these forums should have a members only section for people with PGI subscriptions (and staff :p), keeping the dossers out and harbouring a community of paintballing geniuses.


New cut and carved spine!
Oct 25, 2002
Whining about paint stains on paintball kit?????????? WTF....... it's paintball, it's kinda the point.......... get over it, most shirts are trashed after you've slid in on your elbows a couple of times anyway, if you don't like it then take up golf.

"Pushing the rules to the limits" oh, you mean cheating and getting away with it then.

"Oh look, I've got a bruise from Sunday" yes, well done, you play paintball, you get bruises. Now shut the F@ck up and stop complaining, 'cos I really enjoy spending my time looking at other people's rancid, discoloured flesh.

"I really love my....insert name of whatever sponsor told you to love here......... it's the best marker I've ever used and will be for ooooh three or four weeks" It sucks and you'd think we'd see past it........ so how do you explain people buying shocker 03's.

Ebay and all those who sail in her........... I honestly think there are only five over priced badly described rip-off markers in the world..... but at some point everyone buys one, keeps it for a month then passes on the rip off to another newbie. We all have a laugh about it when we see an old angel LED going for £500...... but some poor bugger is putting themselves off paintball by buying this crap.


Softly spoken
Jan 20, 2002
Leamington Spa
The art of talking to marshalls, or equally the art of Blagging.
Generally being friendly to the marshalls may allow certain calls to go your way.
'Surely thats spray MR marshall, dont you think so?'

People shouting random abuse and 'help' from the sidelines that arnt associated with the team, man that pisses me off. It goes hand in hand with smack talking each other, i see the advantages of doing it, blah blah blah but personally it all makes me laugh.

kat trick

New Member
Jul 8, 2004
Visit site
What i hate in this sport how every thing is male

cocker - what a name for a gun
trousers - i have to get every pair taken up
playing tops - i have to get one size bigger so my tits fit in then the arms are too long
gloves - it took me 18 months to find a pair that allmost fit
and condoms who on earth thought of that it had to be a bloke!!!


A few to keep me going for the time being
Jun 29, 2002
Audience Participation

In how many other high speed adreanline type sports do the spectators have to stand quietly by in silence and with arms by their sides in case they give something away.

Lets have everyone outside the netting giving it large..its the same for both sides and the chances of anyone on the field really changing their game based on outside information(assuming they can even understand what is being shouted but a group of nutters each with theri own idea of the perfect move) is unlikely.

People dont go to football matches to sit and behave..they go to let off steam and have a good time whilst watching the game they love and if you dont like the result you blame the ref(marshalls) so nothing new there either.


New cut and carved spine!
Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by liamliddy
i hate people who say they dont cheat when they do, nothing wrong with cheating but at least admit it (if josedom reads this im not talking bout u bud ;)
never said I didn't mate :) just asked what everyone thought of it...... I don't like it, but I think I'm going to have to change my opinion to compete. What gets me most is people taking "I don't want to have to cheat" as a moral stance or some sort of crusade...... it's just an opinion. I bet most people share it..... cloud cuckoo land I know, but I bet most people don't like it. If you read the threads in question, you are one of only two players who openly admit to doing it... so I agree with you, look at all the posters who ripped into me for saying I was pretty happy we'd never had a penalty point and then followed up with "but I don't cheat either". It happens every time the subject gets brought up. My biggest pet hate is nothing to do with cheating rules or even gameplay...........it's this

"wow look, I'm really ripping it up, did you see how fast I fired, I'll be laying it down in the next tournament etc... etc.... etc......"
Every team has one...... 20 balls per second, zero hits per tournament as they merrily fan away at the trigger.
Kit makes a lot of difference improve the marker, your game has to improve (one player with an E-blade one with a manual cocker, otherwise identically skillled players....... who wins?) but put a £1500 super marker in the hands of "one of them" and it's an expensive waste of paint.

And, "I got at least three of them there"......... "I got two", "yeah so did I", "I got the back two and their right hand runner" " that's odd, we are only playing seven man"...... swear to god, last leg of the PA we must have taken twelve players out in our first game of the day. I've alked out of games that have had a claimed head count higher than the battle of the somme.


And lavenm......... full agreement..... encourage shouting and yelling, If everyone did it you wouldn't be able to cheat by coaching....... it's happening now with sly gestures and clever positioning anyway. In fact I use sign language at work...... sure that could be adapted. But if everyone was yelling it wouldn't matter.