It would be a great shame to ban the sale of bottles and regs from the site. I have bought all my air systems from here as have our whole team. I have had only one bottle with a fill nipple which leaked when filling, this had been CLEARLY stated by the seller!
Banning the sale of air systems here would force them onto flea bay with potentially disastrous consequences!
Name and shame, best policy! and if you play with the person, let them know your disgust. Remember, it may not be you whose bottle explodes, but if your stood next to the guy when it blows, it might as well be.
If anyone is complacent about all this, let me just point out that if a burst disc screw blew out at bottle or reg pressure it would carry enough velocity to go through your skull! If the reg broke off the bottle or let go through damaged threads, the bottle carries enough energy to take your head off!
When I was a kid, I worked for a medical store handling compressed medical gasses and as such, I received airsmith training which included practical demonstrations using bottles compressed to just 1000psi not 4500psi.
The demonstrations were pretty dramatic so I know that what I've said above is true.
Sorry for the lecture but I will say it again; please, please, please, if you have knowingly damaged your bottle or reg, take it on the chin and have it repaired or throw it away. If you sell it on to someone who is not aware of the fault it may well kill them, you will then be under suspicion of manslaughter!
If you have bought a bottle which you are suspicious of, don't hope for the best, have it checked out!
My own visual check list for a bottle is as follows; check the burst disc screws are sitting in straight and are free of swarfe. Often, a cross threaded screw will have slivers of metal (swarfe) around the end of the thread. Check that the reg is fully screwed into the bottle and that the O ring is not showing. Check that the reg is sitting squarely into the top of the bottle. examine the gauge for signs of damage external and examine the threads in the same way as for the burst disc screws. Obviously, you need to check the bottle, reg, burst discs, gauge and reg cap for signs of general wear and tear or abuse. If I was satisfied with all the above, then I would fill the bottle to about 1000psi then check for leaks and make sure your fill nipple shuts off ok before commencing to fill it to 4500psi.
Any doubt at all, get it checked out by a qualified airsmith (not a mate who knows)
Sorry to all who think this is trying to teach Granny to suck eggs but I know there are plenty of youngsters out there that don't have a clue!