Originally posted by Matski2
Apparently some scottish guy full of his own hype called Mak D thought he could blast dave $tewart off the field in a 1on1......
......but got mown down like a spoon infront of everyone twice then had to walk away, damn
To ever underestimate big D is a mistake from the start, the dude has a game brain! Guess you should run home and prac more maccy d
Haha sum hater trying to stir things up, yeah I was conifident going against Big Dave cause lets face it big Dave is BIG, so I thought this will be well easy. I even said to every1 that after the first round he had givin me a big fright for a big packin mofo the dude knows how to keep his gun rolling and make the right moves.
Got mowed in front of everyone?!? lol You must be high on sumthin mate, Dave shot me the 1st game I ll put my hand up I wasn't expecting him to be that good, then I shot him 4 times in the 2nd but we kept playing till he got me which he did then I got him again in the last game ask the big man himself. Then rather than ''running away'' as you put it me Edwards and Andy from the
Ducks played about 10 games with the Outkast boys who are a great group of lads these boys are gonna be a serious threat to any team in the UK over the rest of the season.
So acording to you I need more practice next time me n you will go 1v1 eh, we'll see who gets mowed like a spoon and runs away, might even put a wee wager on it to
Mak Dizzle