Obviously a nobody, anybody from a half decent sponsored team would never consider discussing paint prices on a public forum. In my experience people who like to 'brag' about paint prices generally talk pure crap. Anyways the fact is you get what you pay for, paint is available form under £10 a case to over £50 and generally speaking the cheap paint is marbles and the premium paints shoot darts.Originally posted by Missionaire Man
Don't use langaue like that and don't personally slagg me off on a forum you mind less moron, if you want to slagg me off then PM but don't put it on a public forum. OH AND I'VE TOLD YOU A TWICE NOW THE £25 PER BOX IS NOTHING TO DO WITH OUR SPONSERSHIP
You assume that Mikie cannot get paint below a certain price (£25) when you don't even know who he is and anybody can get a box of paint for less than that these days (whether its any good is beside the point) Frankly this makes you come across as some kind of guy who reckons himself and wants to boast to the world about what a great deal he gets, kind of pathetic in my book.
Anyway back to the point, look forward to playing you all on Sunday, extra refs on one game by the looks of it please organisers