Just so everyone knows, i did not at any point state or brand the seller as a criminal, i only questioned the seller at the time and asked the account holder to give me a simple explanation.
Fact remains, the rules were broken, even thou in this case it could and probably was a mistake.
Regardless of the matter being purely a mistake or not, i had to intervene to safeguard other members.
Reason for banning was not due to his mistake, as i was trying to clarify certain points.
But when i am trying to help and get
Members should understand and be aware, we the mods do this for free and looking out for you guys.
The following is not reffering to the member that has been banned, just an example of what could happen.
* I could easily look up another forum, copy a pic of a marker with a username from there classifieds.
Then create an account on here and post up in the classifieds with that same pic.
Easily create a paypal account.
Take someones hard earned.
That guy now post up on the forums crying about it.
Does it take more to make members understand why rules are in place, and why we the mods have to enforce them