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Bonus Balling


I think therefore I am.
Sep 19, 2005
well in all honesty the click mob cant be all there as they have retards like tommeh in it, bit like the backwards army.

lynx dry

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Rosie said:
oh no Baca's back fun's over :D

who or what are 'click', have I missed something?
No, Rosie. You ain't missed a thing. Sadly, as the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-wise I am cursed to know stuff you don't really want to have to bother with.

Pinchaay--you're on thin ice just cus I hate your forum name. If I start seeing all manner of pointless, stupid crap touting the CLICK tossed into random threads I'm gonna start taking a hatchet to some user accounts.

The CLICK is to be seen and not heard.