There's the hockey fight mentality aspect of this, too. Suppose, and this happens a lot, that you think this cheesestick you finally nailed after duking it out with him for 5 minutes finally catches one in the face, but you think he took one long ago and wiped it, then proceeding to shoot out 3 of your guys undeservingly. Whatcha going to do about it? Spank him? Tell his mommy? Nope. Give him a little painful nudge of justice to tell him "Yeah, I saw that @ssh0l3. Don't think you're getting away with it here, and here's another ten to grow on." Vigilante justice on the field. Is it right? Not always, but we're human, we're psyched up on adrenalin, caffeine, nicotine, and whatever else I won't speculate at the moment, and emotions do get the better of us and often not without some shred of justification. Much in this manner we see fights in hockey: the dude gave an uncalled for check on someone he wasn't supposed to, grabbed a jersey a little longer than heterosexuality would normally permit, stuck a skate out to trip up a forward taking the express lane to the goal, etc. and needs a good whooping for it. So, in the spirit of bar fights over ex-girlfriends or current girlfriends being slightly less than loyal, the gloves come off and it's fist to face for a few minutes to clear up who's the big bad wolf and who is the sheep who crossed the wrong fence. A few bruises and minutes in the penalty box later, dignity is restored and aesthetics aside all is well plus the fans got a good shout and laugh on the side.
Now, fast forward to the times where fighting wasn't made an option for gratifying vindiction: sticks to the head (*cough* Marty Mac *cough*), crushed skulls against the end boards, legs broken from a swat at the puck when the leg just oh so conveniently happened to be in the get the idea. Remove the outlet for relatively safer venting and you get more creative and more destructive methods. Take away bonus balling and you get longer and nastier rants at the refs (Do you want more of THAT?!), fist fights, Portalet bunkerings (where the sh*t really hits the fan, literally), and whatever the players' minds can construct in the time after the game they will have to dwell on all unpunished wrongdoings on the field which ordinarily they would have resolved by just a few more righteously hateful strokes of the trigger...
If you want that, please find events I'm not at to do your creative modifications. I'll take a couple of welts over a barrel or tank to the head or worse any day.