Ok, so an IP address is the address used by a device on a network to enable end to end communication. Public IP addresses are unique and every device that connects to the internet will have one. I could go a lot deeper but it'll only bore the pants of you. Suffice to say, if you are on the internet, you have an IP address that is traceable......broadly speaking.i wasent going to bother asking...
but i must,
what dose all that ip stuff mean??
Ok, strictly you are right. The IP addresses are assigned in blocks and registered/assigned in RIPE. A quick whois will provide a level of information and when we are talking about mobile devices, you will still be able to see who the address block belongs (3, O2, Vodafone etc). There is software available to trace the IP to a location, but most times, the easiest way to trace an IP address is to just ask the provider. So, you are right, there is no address assigned to that IP address for a mobile phone, but there are other associations made that are traceable and will link back to an account. Pay as you go sims are the most untraceable, hence why the more unsavoury members of our society use them.Makes me laugh how people think a ip will give an address all the time.
What happens if you have a 3 mobile device (or simular) on a pay as you sim? Nothing thats whats cos theres no address assigned to that ip.
Ok, well that was pointless.....but I like to throw my tuppence worth in.