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Bigg Hassle over nothing?


UK Cougars
Jul 9, 2001
Yo Tyger
A little off topic but there is a guy in the techroom who posted about a phantom quick change I tried to help but I figure you are the guy to help so if you could pop over and try I'm sure he would be grateful.

PS this thread seems a little too simple I agree sue the B@@@@ard but I dunno this seems a little like that post about the marker being destroyed by customs some time ago...info missing
just my 2p's worth


Pie Muncher
I personally feel uncomfortable with that name.

I myself, am neither itallian, nor stunning. This i feel gives you an instant advantage over me before the game has commenced, and may also force me to forfiet the game before starting due to the fact that i may be shown to be somewhat "unstunning".

in conclusion, i feel that in accordance to pollitical correctness, that all teams should be named along the lines of: " of non-descript nationality and of equal apearence to your team " or " i think that both of our teams are equal and i hope that you succeed in defeating us today "


Shootin’ fools shootin’ fools
Oct 8, 2001
wolverhampton, UK
was the field manager guy Italian? and did he have a good lookin' daughter? maybee he's a bit over protective of her!
i told her that thong would get too much attention!


Old School, New Tricks
Originally posted by Fooey
...in conclusion, i feel that in accordance to pollitical correctness, that all teams should be named along the lines of: " of non-descript nationality and of equal apearence to your team " or " i think that both of our teams are equal and i hope that you succeed in defeating us today "
No, becasue then it would put undue pressure on MY team to beat you, and that's a psychological advantage over us!

Being politically correct means always having to say you're sorry.
