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Big Game


Apr 1, 2004
i have a feeling it will also be massive :D. I just wish i knew what it was, i think ive tried to get jim, and paul and jd and that to tell me, all they say is "just wait" lol.

I have faith in the warped boys, and we will know really really soon i reckon.


WTF? mate
Sep 5, 2004
Visit site
Here as some info i found on the main warped paintball site

as has been announced the game is at a completely new venue.
it will be on the weekend of 30th April/1st May with the MAIN game being on the 1st.
We are finalising some issues with regards insurance and planning for the new venue and they have taken a little longer than expected - we expect these to be complete in the next 7 days... and we will announce the venue and scenario details then.
Sponsorship and coverage will once again be provided by PBUK
The event is Bring Your Own paint and there will be a fixed "ticket" price to include air and co2 - Paint will be available (from more than 1 brand - currently Severe and Victory/V-comp confirmed) pre-ordered or On Site at a subsidised price which we hope to be 25-30 per case (2000) for those who dont want to carry it.
The format is returning to N vs S, with a scenario based around 2 massive teams with multiple objectives and tactical options...
Its gonna be intense, loud, and VERY big !!

Hope this helps :)

Mikey D

I suck
Sep 14, 2002

i know but of course im sworn to secrecy. however can answer a fair amount of questions thrown my way.

Whats really holding the announcement up has been the staging area and sorting out the land. In short, the farmer loses his income if his land isnt in good enough state i think a couple of weeks after the Big game.
The site was purchased by Warped last year and jim has designed the game around the features and one main one which plays a huge part in the objectives. Basically you will have a purpose built site just for this game so they'll make it worth the wait. But we'll cross those when we get to them ;)

There are a few things planned for the weekend, so anybody thats down for the whole weekend will have a chance to warm up on the saturday ;)

01902 455 455 will get you on the list if you are worried about missing out :) the numbers will start filling up very soon once everything is announced. just be patient guys.
im just gutted im not getting to play, damn field trip for uni. being a warrior last year rocked :D

Oh and keep the guesses coming.

Mikey D

I suck
Sep 14, 2002
I was woken up this morning to a phone call regarding the Big game and where it now definitely will be held!!!

The site is at least twice the size of the Cosford site from the drug wars and it is not too far away from Cosford so you'll all be able to find it easily.

Hows it feel to know you'll be able to see the 400 players of the other team at the start of the game? But still be half a mile from them?

I was told that the Warped guys are putting all the details up on the web hopefully this weekend so you'll all be able to click a link and the info will be there so your waiting will soon be over.

Theres just a bit of info to get you going. I may add more hints if I have a good day ;)