Best thing you can do is call them up and ask, no need to risk it.unfortunatly i am playing or the south
anyone else have any idea if u can get them on the gate?
Ill be along with my black Ego 09 as well, with a Haloim gonna be wearing my 08 platinum jersey 'EvoOnline' on the back. if u see me come say hi.. gonna be sporting a black 09 ego with red eps shelled vlocity.
im sure i'll see u.. down my barrel as im putting paintballs into youBest thing you can do is call them up and ask, no need to risk it.
Ill be along with my black Ego 09 as well, with a HaloIll have my Eclipse 08 jersey with Zombie on my back and on my Sandana. But im down for the south
See you on the field I hope