The Diablo Blaze is much improved over the earlier version, but it's still not as easy breaking as some of the tournament grades. The newer RPS Advantage paints are not as good as the earlier RPS All Stars as far as breaking, with one big exception: Evil. The older evil (yellow with black stars) was famous for breaking just by being dropped to the ground. The newer evil (off-white with swirls) is a little hardier but breaks so easily.
Zap, 32 Degrees and any of the newer paints just seem to not be close to Advantage, let alone the best.
JT Maxims are just Advantage paints with a custom colour.
Smart Paint had a great reputation but I found they flew great and only broke well, not worth their price.
Older All Stars, the newer Evil would be my best guesses. I have no experience with Imperial, Hellfire or Anarchy.