We don´t wear any extra protection when playing reball - it´s not due to injury-issues on field we tune down to 230 fps, it´s simply because of the netting and because the reballs "acts crazy" when fired at 300 fps!
Reball might hurt a bit more than ordinary paintballs (I know I´m a "sissy" Nick!!!), but they are not fatal when shot at 300 fps as long as you just take the same precaution as when playing regular paintball.
I can tell you how it´s actually great to play with dirty balls (that sounded odd?
) - we just went to a tournament in Sweden this past saturday and had not been playing with paint since october. Trust me on this - when I stood at the chrono I seriously thought I had the ramping switched on, but no..... I had just been so used to "slow" reballs, that my ROF simply went berserk (aaaaah!) when I shot real paint!
No better way to pratise on your ROF than shooting "dirty reballs"!