Originally posted by Gurney
I should expect so too, Im a funny guy, almost as funny as Urban (that guy kills me), respect to Urbs!!!!!!
I should think so to.. you whipper-snapper punks should always have respect for your elders.
And yes I do 'kill' you Mr 'Tons of Fun' Stu... on the field... and Mr 'I'm Pro Now' Chipster... and Markeh too!
I fact the only people I haven't 'killed' are Pestie, Famine, Shanksy and The Watford Crew...
err.. and the rest of Outkasts, Shockwave UK, RDX, K2, 'lanche, Iron Men, Dynasty, RL...
****, this isn't working out... the list is gonna be too long!
Let's just say you, Chip and Markeh are part of a very unique group and leave it at that!