Being an athlete is very important in paintball. Look at the top teams, and they're all athletes. Even Big ol' Bob Long is still in good shape.
We did this drill the other night in practice, where a player needs to move through a series of baracades and shoot a targets. Basically you do a circut of 7 targets, and you run the diameter of he field in the process.
At the end of it most players were exhausted. I know i was gasping for breath. But my point is, if you can play paintball at this pace, and your opponants can't then you've got a distinct advantage. They'll be dead before they see you comming.
The future of Paintball isn't going to be big guys in back stand up baracades, it's going to be little guys (migets maybe
) tearing each other up from close range.
Now i'm a big fella, and i wish i was at least a medium sized fella, so i could get up front there and tear teams to shreds. So us big fellas have got to work around our handicap, and learn to play to 100% of our physical abilities. If we still expect to be compteing in the next few years, it's time to lay off the pies and go to the gym. Unless you just want to participate, in which case paintball for you isn't a sport; it's a hobby.