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Bawtry walkon

UC Smegpot

Rocket fingers
Sep 17, 2008
Doncaster, UK
We (Convicts) used to play bawtry alot, was a really good site, but the problem was we'd often get some crap marshalls.. the likes of keal and big T were 2 of the best in my opinion, but when we'd get 2 unexperienced kids who'd stand there and do bugger all every game put a downer on the day, didn't help that we'd get far to much cheating from the opposing side aswell!!!

We're wanting to come back a bit next season.. so get at least 4 DECENT! marshalls on our games.. and your rolling again!

To the Convicts play at Bawtry now ? Where do you guys play nowa days as i played at bawtry once and you guys owned me. It was such a laugh but marshals there do suck a hell of alot! They just pull them in off of the streets and give them a job. I applyed there with a year of paintball exp and they said no, as when my mate asked no experiance just starting the sport he got the job. I was like What The F***!
But where do you guys play nowa' days ?

Regards Danny


Firm #18
May 23, 2007
To the Convicts play at Bawtry now ? Where do you guys play nowa days as i played at bawtry once and you guys owned me. It was such a laugh but marshals there do suck a hell of alot! They just pull them in off of the streets and give them a job. I applyed there with a year of paintball exp and they said no, as when my mate asked no experiance just starting the sport he got the job. I was like What The F***!
But where do you guys play nowa' days ?

Regards Danny
Lol mate, careful what your saying realli, they dont just pull marshalls off the street, there were alot of good marshalls there, the interview was piss easy they must have not liked you :p



New Member
Sep 8, 2008
Hammy the gr8t

Thanks for giving me permision to big up DZ after all it was my thread to start with,as for text speak i thought every one could understand this vile language you should bye a mobile telephone and learn how to do it after all they are not witchcraft. [Hope my spelling is OK]
PS isnt this website p8ntballer.com


lone gunner now
To the Convicts play at Bawtry now ? Where do you guys play nowa days as i played at bawtry once and you guys owned me. It was such a laugh but marshals there do suck a hell of alot! They just pull them in off of the streets and give them a job. I applyed there with a year of paintball exp and they said no, as when my mate asked no experiance just starting the sport he got the job. I was like What The F***!
But where do you guys play nowa' days ?

Regards Danny
Hi m8,we dont have a set place that we play really,a few of us go to unreal sometimes and OTE(congelton),but try and get to all the big games (up north anyway).We also have games at "a few good men"s site up in scotland and also "team axis"s site


Official Planet Eclipse Tech
Aug 21, 2007
Thanks for giving me permision to big up DZ after all it was my thread to start with,as for text speak i thought every one could understand this vile language you should bye a mobile telephone and learn how to do it after all they are not witchcraft. [Hope my spelling is OK]
PS isnt this website p8ntballer.com
Why should we understand a vile language that isn't taught. Just because you have a mobile doesn't mean you have to start using the hard to understand abbreviations. It's not witchcraft to use predictive text, it pretty much spells the word for you !!! Having a mobile is no excuse for crappy abbreviations.
Anyhow, I've been speaking proper england since I was a children :p


New Member
Oct 16, 2007
Thanks for giving me permision to big up DZ after all it was my thread to start with,as for text speak i thought every one could understand this vile language you should bye a mobile telephone and learn how to do it after all they are not witchcraft. [Hope my spelling is OK]
PS isnt this website p8ntballer.com
Yes I can understand text but it takes a lot longer to read and is not allowed under P8ntballer-forums rules

Your spelling was a lot better thank you, infact it was just as you described 'OK' just a few mistakes...

permission is spelt as such and not 'permision'

The word 'every one' is actually one word and is spelt 'everyone'

The word 'bye' and 'buy' are two different words, to 'buy' is to purchase an item and the word bye is for when you are saying good bye to someone...just like I am saying good bye right now


New Member
Sep 8, 2008
Hamster the gr8t

Thanks for the spelling lesson you must have spent all day writing such a correct reply while the big boys are at work perhaps we will meet on field one day if your dad will let you play LOL, any way as the others have said we digress
Two SS me thinks