Timboy said:*****Important Announcement*****
The Terms and Conditions on Corporate Killers where tickets were purchased stipulates that no liability is assumed in the event of an Act of God.
In basic terms, this would mean that no automatic recompense for BoB would be forthcoming.
However...........that's not the way YPC & Shoreline roll.
Therefore, there WILL be a Battle of Britain 1.5 which will take place in August.
All BoB ticket holders will see their ticket transferred to the re-arranged event.
Everyone who hold paint tokens from BoB should hold on to them and redeem them at the BoB event in August.
Anyone who is unable to attend the re-arranged date will be able to sell their ticket and we will waive the transfer fee.
The re-arranged event will host MODS v Rockers III: The Return of The MODS.
We'll throw in some very special bits and pieces for the survivors of Hurricane Bob including e-medals, T-shirts and quite large hugs. Who knows......there may even be some free beer in the air!
We'll pad out the details in due course............
YPC & Shoreline are run by players. We'll never leave any players in the lurch. We'll do the right thing and not hide behind bull**** legal 'Act of God' terminology. What we'll do is what we know best...........just stick on a big gunfight.
Battle of Britain 1.5 will be launched shortly inc MODS v Rockers III: Return of the MODS.
Wait out!
I have to say, Shoreline and co are absolute legends with the re-arrangement of the game. I don't know anyone who would do this. An example of this was a few years back I went to WOMAD festival (year of the MASSIVE downpour that had loads of floodying in Teweksbury).
Arrived at site and it was under almost a foot of mud. Noone could walk about, the festival organisers did naff all to help the situation by laying tracks etc. We managed to stay the night, but abandoned our mud-caked tents and gear.
The whole site was a mess - toilets were partially submerged in mud too... place stank.
Would they cancel the event? Nope. It was seriously dangerous. Had disabled people in wheelchairs who were stuck in mud.
Why didn't they cancel it? Because if they did, they'd never get insurance again. So they ran it and let everyone have a rubbish time just so they can say "we fulfilled our contract with you".
No apologies - nothing.
So for Shoreline and co to do this, took massive balls. I am not fussed about a refund or even moving my ticket across - I got what I wanted out of it; MvR game and to meet loads of people. Rescheduling the event is going to cost the guys a LOT of money. I for one am going to BUY my ticket again as I feel they owe me nothing.
So hats off to everyone!