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Battle for Remagen! Convicts Big Game!


Prove to everyone your better than the rest, worth your weight in gold, a player not to be crossed. Earn your Star or your Iron Cross, display them proudly in game!

How many can you earn in just one days vicious fighting? None can tell, only the most stalwart of heroes will earn more than 1, maybe even more....

These will be supplied with fasteners to allow near instant application

More rules added:


Convicts Rule!!
Jan 14, 2006
Remagen Bridge Game Rules
1st Game (Storm The Bridges)

The game will start with the defenders controlling virtually the whole site leaving the attackers just 2 spawn points. 1 at the back of the village and 1 at the back of the convoy.
The defenders not only have to defend the bridges but also 4 battle zone flags each worth 1000 points. These will be situated in the village, jungle,convoy & waterfront sections as well as 1000 points for each bridge.
Once both bridges have been reached by the attackers and the defenders pushed back onto the island the game will be paused, whilst the bridges are blown up. This like at the real Remagen Bridge will only be partially successful allowing the landing of 6 men in the beach head on the far side of each bridge.
The game will then restart with the attackers trying to get more men into the bridgehead and the defenders trying to wipe them out. After a pre-specified time the game will then end and the living men in the bridgeheads will be counted at 100 points per man. The game will then be rerun in with the teams changing rolls.

Things For The Generals To Keep In Mind
1) Will the attackers attack both bridges together or one bridge at a time, The defending general must be able to detect this and react accordingly by moving his forces to were they are needed.

2) although the defending general can control virtually as much of the site he wants, this may spread his men to thinly ,weakening his defence. Therefore he may decide to give up some space allowing him to concentrate men at vital strong points.

3) A marshal/medic will be at the back of both attack spawn points and he will move up with the attack. were as the defending medics will have to stay on their side of the bridges.
(note; all medics will have rags & cleaning spray with them ,allowing you to cleanup quickly and get back in the game)

4) Time is also vital as 1000 points also goes to the team who accomplishes the task in the quickest time.

5) if a team can only capture 1 bridge they can call for an air strike on the other bridge so that they can move on with the beachhead landing within the specified time. but doing this will cost them the 100 points they would get for the bridge and the use of it for a 2nd landing.

6) As points will not be awarded against you for being killed ,fair play will be expected as you only have to go back to your medic to get wiped down and sent back into the game.
Points will be awarded against your team if you renter the game from the safe zone after airing/poting up without going through the designated spawn point.

7) Masks must be kept on and barrel socks fitted when on the paths leading to the game zones

8] Only Official paintball pyros and smoke will be allowed

9) There is an on site 3000 & 4500 air system in the main safe area.
Game 2 (Defend Your Bridge)

In this game each team has a bridge to attack and a bridge to defend. Each bridge will have a mine fixed to it ,that can be setoff by shooting a paintball through a 1" hole . Your team will have to both attack the oppositions bridge without letting them get close enough to your end of your bridge to get a clear shot at the mine.
if one team manages to do this in a quick time it will get the 1000 points and can elect to return it's attackers to their start point and try to do it again for a second 1000 points.
Again the generals will have to balance their forces between attack and defend , to strong an attack force and you weaken your defence.

please submit any questions you have to the forum were most of the answers can be found



Platinum Member
Jun 22, 2006
north west
for all you campers on saturday evening.

Terry is going to run some woodland lazertag games for you guys to try. (free) :cool:

places will be limited (depends how many want to try it).

Paint available on the day

tomahawk field @ £22
tomahawk classic @ £25
rec sport @ £25

will also be some blaze midnight (price tba)

and of course spec ops avail from the bz stand.


Convicts Rule!!
Jan 14, 2006
Hurry lads only a week till Remagen!! If your at a loose end next Sunday and looking for someone to shoot (with paintballs fired out of a marker @ no more than 280fps, with only full auto not allowed) then Frontline paintball is the place to be BOOK NOW!!