Hmmmmm, judging from what you guys say, it's pretty safe to assume ya'll ain't never been near a naked woman
Erectile tissue ofcourse has the ability to expand, which is a good thing, otherwise everytime you would, you would tear Don't know about you guys, but that doesn't sound like something I'd enjoy. Therefore we shall now refer to erectile tissue as stretchy bits. Go find a girl willing to let you have a good look around the neather regions. Get her pregnant (or ask someone to do it for you, should this turn out to be difficult
) and come back in about 9 months time. When she's giving birth, have another close look, and you'll realise what an enormous amount of stretchy bits a woman has.
If you want to find out where they're hiding all their stretchy bits (when ours is so obviously present), find a woman that'll not only let you have a look, but that'll let you have a feel around....
Look for some crumpled up bits, grab them and start pulling!!!
It'll be a good few inches before she goes from moaning, to yelping, to boxing you around the ears.
Now, off to biology 101, the both of ya!!!