What can i say that already hasn't been said about this event.
Big thanks going out to the Mad Monks, it was truely a pleasure in playing with some truely great guys.
How often is it you get to see 4 MODS in one place
Got back at 4pm today and im still buzzing, made my 4 hr drive seem like a walk in the park..
It was my first experiance of xball and roll on the next, Its not often you get to play the top teams within this sport and i can now say i did..
Congrats to ball out, this was a top event and one to be proud of, i cant wait for the next one..
I could type all day about this event , but it wouldn't be fair on all the others that want to have there say.
DISRUPTION ,, wow getting blown out of the arena is one thing , playing you was an experiance i wont forget in a hurry..
What can i say that already hasn't been said about this event.
Big thanks going out to the Mad Monks, it was truely a pleasure in playing with some truely great guys.
How often is it you get to see 4 MODS in one place
Got back at 4pm today and im still buzzing, made my 4 hr drive seem like a walk in the park..
It was my first experiance of xball and roll on the next, Its not often you get to play the top teams within this sport and i can now say i did..
Congrats to ball out, this was a top event and one to be proud of, i cant wait for the next one..
I could type all day about this event , but it wouldn't be fair on all the others that want to have there say.
DISRUPTION ,, wow getting blown out of the arena is one thing , playing you was an experiance i wont forget in a hurry..