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Balls Out Promotions presents "Ballin on the Beach" Aug 1st/2nd

Oct 25, 2007
Sunny scunny
There will be passes for Players, Marshals, Ref's, Press and Staff - anyone with one of those passes will be able to get into the evening party venue.

I also have a number of VIP passes available, which I am happy to give out to those of you who make the trip up to watch and support. Either let me know via this forum or come and find me during the event. These are in limited supply, so first come first served......:)
Ah great stuff!

Will be seeing you in there for a beer then! :D

Balls Out Promotions

If anyone is down on Friday night, I am planning on doing a little reccy and handing out some flyers for the event over the weekend. Anyone who wants to join me is more than welcome :)

Balls Out Promotions

If you would like a game with the scratch team then there will be a place for you on Saturday and or Sunday.