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Bags for keeping paint warm


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Is all good.. have found a really good way of using a thermos box and some other nifty devices to keep the paint warm :) and for upto 24 hours as well :)


Tom Allen

Jul 4, 2003
On the ball joe bob, they insulate, they don't heat or cool just keep things at the same temp.

Oh, Joe Bob, were you the unlucky one to get removed for a week, i would look at that as a sign of affection mate.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2002
Nakatomi Plaza
Originally posted by L1f3

PS. Theres no room down me pants for anything else mate :p

Is where I keep me brains :D
I almost p*ssed myself laughing mate- nice one :)

The other alternative is to move south, where it's warmer ;)


Platinum Member
Originally posted by L1f3
Yeah thermos keeps things hot, or cold. But that is dependant on the fact that what you are putting in is either hot or cold. Paint isn't like a hot liquid or cold drink though is it so don't think that would work too well. I know what you mean though. But for that to work your paint would have to be hot when you put it in, so that the thermos retains the heat throughout the day as it will naturally cool down.
Dave Beckham, gets a present from Posh...."oooh...whats that then love?" "Its a Thermos Flask!" says Posh "It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold" "Lovely Tartan pattern on there love, thank you!"
Next Day, Davids at Training. "What you got there Dave?" says Fergie..." Its a present from Victoria...its a Fermoss Flask..it keeps hot fings hot and cold fings cold!" "Its very nice, what you got in there then?" Asks Fergie " Some coffee and a Choc Ice" says David!:D


New Member
Mar 31, 2003
Visit site
Originally posted by Skeetmaster
Dave Beckham, gets a present from Posh...."oooh...whats that then love?" "Its a Thermos Flask!" says Posh "It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold" "Lovely Tartan pattern on there love, thank you!"
Next Day, Davids at Training. "What you got there Dave?" says Fergie..." Its a present from Victoria...its a Fermoss Flask..it keeps hot fings hot and cold fings cold!" "Its very nice, what you got in there then?" Asks Fergie " Some coffee and a Choc Ice" says David!:D
arrgh how many times i have heard that joke!:rolleyes: :D


Platinum Member
I know...couldnt play at school...no mates..hung out with girls..learned loads about girls....girls think im great...girls try their luck...girls learn lots about me!!!!!

An ugly bloke like me, can get quite a bit of interest, with a few choice words you know!!!
I fancy Chinese..random, but just popped into my head...can taste the Crispy Chilli Beef!!