Originally posted by Alex Hicks.
Why bother with all this modding. Just remove offensive posts and leave it at that. No one really cares if there is an extra post in tourney that should be in classified or whatever most people just go to view new posts when they log on anyways. Seems a waste of time to me, you can ignore the posts you are not interested in.
I agree,when certain people put a massive single page reply to a post that doesnt get to the point until the last few lines i tend to skip it & i dont say owt but modders(moderates) dont cut/edit it.Some times Modders can jump the gun,sum would say that the power goes to their head.
E.g.I remember a short while ago when a new person to the sport & this web site,asked a question which in fairness was asked about 2-3 weeks before but was 3-4+ thread pages back which the person wudnt know.Two moderaters started having ago at this poor person & complain cos it was asked weeks ago rather than answering the question & leaving it at that.Luckly sum1 came to the persons rescue answered the question then pointed out to the mods how few posts the person has which cud indicate how new they are.The mods did apologise for there jumpiness & the lesson seems to have been learned.
Mods cud try to sort out the problem of the same question asked on the same page & next to each other(tech room is a popular example)eg.which barrels are best/accurate .Wot i think the mods may/cud try to do is say to the person that there is the same thread/question asked on the same page & direct them to the begining of that thread where the question has been answered which will result in less clutter & few hot tempers (maybe?).
An idea to start with at least.