I thought of those wise people when deciding at what date we need everyone to have it, in this case we have given over three months notice.
Also players will be able to sign up on the day and allowed to play even though the insurance will not be valid for that days play.
A sign up form will be made available for organisers.
Of course the sooner individuals get their cover the better it will be for us all.
I fully understand that an awful lot of players have cover (some without realising it) in place but because we would have no ability to check that out we need to put something in place we can.
Virtually all wanna be sports have a requirement that their members have what we are doing now.
The Paintball Associations ongoing application to the Sports Council for recognition of paintball as a sport is before the four bodies in February and I have today contacted them to confirm we have put this in place and in doing so ticked another box.
Is that wise?
If he causes injury to someone then they wont be able to make a claim?
I say everyone has to have it or they don't play. Simple as that.
It's a good idea by the way but I do have one question;
Is it only available to UK residents?
If I have a team mate who is from Spain for example but he plays his paintball over here, can he get covered?
Similarly... If I hold a trial for my team and get people from outside the UK to try out at a site that requires the insurance....What happens then?