I have got a 12l 300 bar, but struggle to get a 4000 fill out of it maybe, the dive shop is not filling it enough?? I have to ask them next time I fill up.....Originally posted by Burb
Go halfs with someone and buy a 12lt 300 bar dive tank. Then you can fill up to 4500psi. Just take your air system down to your local dive shop and ask them to fill that aswell.
Dont know who is coming to Manchester, most of us are either too skint or are working.
Thanks Buddha, now I know my set-up is going to be OK as it's near enough the same as yours. Then again, we rarely last long enough at big tourneys for me to shhot all my paintOriginally posted by Buddha 3
Most custom Cockers can get about 1100 shots from a 1.1L 4500psi tank. That'll see you through most games, so is it really that much of a requirement to get a larger tank? I'd say no....
I play back with a 4500psi 1.1L affair on an Angel. I fill up my hopper (about 200 shots, slightly less) and I take 7 tubes with me (980 shots). I've emptied as good as everything on numerous occasions, but I've never run out of air.....
The only air system AFAIK that you can use with CO2 also is the 3000psi MaxFlow... on any other system that I have seen there simply is no way of actually getting CO2 into the bottle. I think what Jinxy was referring to was using an air bottle with a CO2 on/off valve as they have a larger capacity so you'll get more shots from them.Originally posted by Stan
Jinxy suggested filling an air system with CO2... If i was to do that:
a) should i set up an anti siphon (got me an AA Melee)
b) CAN i set up an anti siphon on an air reg?
How come you get more gas???