my mag yay... my bro`s mag nay
had my mag a couple a years no major probs changed everything apart from the polished body and hurricane valve mmmmmsweet got a 9v revvy with x-board and vortex impellor it will feed as fast as I can pull the trigger
my brothers mag on the other hand is like the evil twin always something going wrong with it he`s had it about 2 years and only know is it behaving
thanks to Bif from tremmor. level 10 next then e-mag well whatever is gonna replace it coz by the time i`ve saved up
Oh my mate nico`s got a mini mag had trouble chopping blamed everything he could think of even an entire site and its paint, i`ll not say where but its just of a roundabout near a macdonalds
turns out it was his bolt
the first casualty of paintball is your wallet