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autococker help for newby


Morecambe Bay Assassins
Jul 22, 2008
hey guys,

just gassed it up and tryed turning both the lpr and inline reg right down and that stoped the leak, i think ive figured out what i have to do now,

should i turn velocity down then play with the regs until it cycles then sort velocity out?

as current it doesnt fire at all. but thats coz of the regs.

cheers for all ya help,

Gee Tee, thanks for that, made it a bit clearer to understand how it works, still no idea where to start with it though, haha,

thanks again

Gee Tee

1/2 man - 1/2 pogo stick
Mar 21, 2007
Dartford, UK
Make sure you have plenty of bottle pressure. Using a nearly empty bottle is pointless so get it filled first. Turn the HP (inline) reg up enough to get around 200-250 psi input first. Then set up LP/cocking pressure as described in post #8 above. Once you get gun cycling/re-cocking ok you can set velocity, but you need a chronograph to do this or it's pure guesswork.

Velocity is set using the IVG (hammer spring adjuster in the back), Inline HP reg or a combination of both together. My own method is to wind IVG in about a 3rd of the way, then increase pressure via the HP reg until the velocity peaks before dropping slightly. This is what's known as "sweet spotting" the HP reg. At this point you should running over 300fps, so you'll need to back off IVG to required velocity. Leave the HP reg set where it is in future and just fine tune using IVG.

This will depend on how your cocker is set-up internally, as the ratings of valve & hammer spring can also effect the range of velocity you can achieve. If you struggle to get near 300fps using method above it may mean it needs different springs, or possibly the cocking cycle timing needs adjustment.


Morecambe Bay Assassins
Jul 22, 2008
yeh no worries, i think after playing around, i have found the problem, o of the seals has a flat spot on it, so going to replace the seals, bit of gun oil, then try again. :)

ive just tryed that ^ but i cant find any seals the corect size to fit, starting to annoy me,

well ma team shoud have a site crono coming soon, other than that i roughly know how fast is to fast :p

the velocity is easy lol.

just wundering how do you know when the HP reg is leting about 200-250 psi through, i have no presur guadge on th marker its self :/



Splash > All
Jul 8, 2007
i have a spare mini guage i slap on the front block so i know im shooting at, other than that you can steal an ion or something with a guage on it and set it up quickly..

Or spend a ridiculas amount on it and ajust it via the hpr :D


Splash > All
Jul 8, 2007
If your at NvS come find me on the saturday with dave :) ill have a little fixing session ^ just bring a cider and ill call it evens