This belonged to a friend's brother so know nothing of its provenence or vintage I'm afraid. However, the friend is 50 and lives in Kent near Sevenoaks so I suspect that that this was probably in use about 25-30 years ago and may have been purchased in the area. I seem to remember visiting a paintball shop in Woolwich myself around about the same period so it could have originated fairly locally.
Based on the enquiry thread that I created in this section back in 2019! I'm led to beleive that this could be worth more than the marker that it came with so I have split it out. It seems to be in mechanical order but I havn't tested it. Hopefully the pictures will describe it adequately.

Based on the enquiry thread that I created in this section back in 2019! I'm led to beleive that this could be worth more than the marker that it came with so I have split it out. It seems to be in mechanical order but I havn't tested it. Hopefully the pictures will describe it adequately.
- End date and time: 24/07/22 @ 18:00hrs
- Reserve: £50.00
- Estimated postage costs: £7.00
- Minimum bid increment £10.00