Originally posted by DangerousBrian
thx for all the help huys i seen to have sorted it now.
i did a system restore to a week ago.
seems that when i uninstalled a cd writing program it did sumthing to frontpage ( i dunno, seems odd )
meant frontpage would keep trying to install summin while i was on the net
very strange, ill have to look into it.
pretty sure wasnt a virus now or hacker as woukld still do it with a firewall on max setting
Dunno what OS you are using but it is either ME or XP and certain CD writing programs are known to have issues with the OS not all happen when installed but more when uninstalled as some files installed and then deleted have been sent on the install to modify the DLLS
Most all of the "issue " programs I have installed but don't have any probs (just lucky i guess) only ones that have caused problems are TweakXP , Power Toys for XP and upgrades for Power DVD XP and the graphics card upgrade for XP ...had to reinstall the non XP compatiple Power DVD and reinstall the "older" XP drivers for the Graphics card. The first 2 mentioned are total pants, Tweak XP is ok if you don't know your way around the registry but even then certain tweaks are only available to some products installed (graphics cards etc) Power Toys for XP is just a waste of space, does do stuff but just slows things down with fancy graphical interfaces and can cause issues (though Microsoft will deny this
) Only problem I still have is MSN Messenger will load itself twice when I switch on and I can only find 1 task assigned to it not 2 but hey PC's aren't perfect.
Graham good price but the bundled unit with Anti-virus is a better bet plus you still set the XP firewall aswell to be real sure (according to all the books the 2 firewalls will clash...they don't)
Biggest problem is FTP servers send a file very close to a trojan so the resetting of the permissions is a bit of a pain oh and MSN Messenger needs to have manually installed protocols to allow file transfers within XP....shop installed OS should have this done already but limited to 1 file at a time so further tweaks are needed if you wanna get the full use of it.
Think I have gone on enough and I bet Dangerous Brian will now say he is using ME