Thank you to all for the kind words, I must also take this opportunity to thank the following people in no particular order;
Thomas Banks, Neil Creighton-Banks and all the staff of BZ paintball supplies - for their support of the event, technical support for players and the unrivalled customer service that they bring to all the UK's games. They also donated a Tippmann bravo one and a tac vest to the prize fund. http://www.bzpaintballsupplies.co.uk
S-wasp - for bringing all the tactical add-ons and donating a JT goggle system to the prize fund. http://www.s-wasp.co.uk
Paramina - for supplying air to the players at constant pressures of 3000psi and 4500psi all day long and with their fill station having 25 fill points it meant no queues, a godsend from an event organisers point of view. http://www.paramina.net
Mark Sheridan - Owner of HPC for closing his very succesful business (including the quad biking centre to allow camping) to rental players and allowing me full reign of the entire site for a day. http://www.paintballyorkshire.co.uk
Karen Spencer - for braving the risk of getting shot so she could take some fantastic pictures of the day, check out her website for some great pictures. http://www.karenspencerphotography.com
All the staff at HPC - for their outstanding work all day.
Nichola Jakubiak - for doing all the event adminisration, and for agreeing to be my wife.
Richard "GoC Spectre" Halton - of Team Pressure; the Good General for his hard work and being gracious in defeat. For his first time in command the scores were very close, so a job well done.
Neil "FLH" Phillips - of Going Postal; the Evil General for treating the game in the comedy way that it was written and leading from the front almost every time I saw him. He also took the prize for "Best Themed Outfit", all be it he was the only one in themed attire!
The 98 players - who attended and made the event what it was by playing with honour and within the rules of the game with not one player being placed in the Sin-Bin, well done to you all.
Andrew Chisholm - for his exremely honourable and enthusiastic approach leading to his nomination for "Player of the day" for which he was awarded the Tippman Bravo One marker donated by BZ.
Jennifer Iveson - who for her first days paintball not only showed great skill and honourable play, but also brought a level of glamour not often seen on the paintball field. Her prize; free entry to all Shoreline events for the next 18 months.
Bradley Bailey - who's keen eyes spotted one of two "Thou shalt win a prize" commandments on a bible page, winning him a Tac vest from BZ.
Pete Finnigan - who also found a prize winning bible page winning the JT goggle system from S-wasp.
Dr Indiana Jones - who played a small but exciting role throughout the day.
Finally and by no means least..
Glenn G Smith and David Rovardi - the Pyrotechnicians who got the day off to a great start with the biggest, loudest and brightest start signal I've ever seen, and who then spent the rest of the day in preparation for the final battle which incorporated over 160 aerial mortar blasts, countless ground shaking explosions, smoke screens and even an exploding shed!
Look out for all the scores and statistics in an up-coming edition of PBUK and for the next ShorelinePaintball event join the mailing list at http://www.shorelinepaintball.com
Thomas Banks, Neil Creighton-Banks and all the staff of BZ paintball supplies - for their support of the event, technical support for players and the unrivalled customer service that they bring to all the UK's games. They also donated a Tippmann bravo one and a tac vest to the prize fund. http://www.bzpaintballsupplies.co.uk
S-wasp - for bringing all the tactical add-ons and donating a JT goggle system to the prize fund. http://www.s-wasp.co.uk
Paramina - for supplying air to the players at constant pressures of 3000psi and 4500psi all day long and with their fill station having 25 fill points it meant no queues, a godsend from an event organisers point of view. http://www.paramina.net
Mark Sheridan - Owner of HPC for closing his very succesful business (including the quad biking centre to allow camping) to rental players and allowing me full reign of the entire site for a day. http://www.paintballyorkshire.co.uk
Karen Spencer - for braving the risk of getting shot so she could take some fantastic pictures of the day, check out her website for some great pictures. http://www.karenspencerphotography.com
All the staff at HPC - for their outstanding work all day.
Nichola Jakubiak - for doing all the event adminisration, and for agreeing to be my wife.
Richard "GoC Spectre" Halton - of Team Pressure; the Good General for his hard work and being gracious in defeat. For his first time in command the scores were very close, so a job well done.
Neil "FLH" Phillips - of Going Postal; the Evil General for treating the game in the comedy way that it was written and leading from the front almost every time I saw him. He also took the prize for "Best Themed Outfit", all be it he was the only one in themed attire!
The 98 players - who attended and made the event what it was by playing with honour and within the rules of the game with not one player being placed in the Sin-Bin, well done to you all.
Andrew Chisholm - for his exremely honourable and enthusiastic approach leading to his nomination for "Player of the day" for which he was awarded the Tippman Bravo One marker donated by BZ.
Jennifer Iveson - who for her first days paintball not only showed great skill and honourable play, but also brought a level of glamour not often seen on the paintball field. Her prize; free entry to all Shoreline events for the next 18 months.
Bradley Bailey - who's keen eyes spotted one of two "Thou shalt win a prize" commandments on a bible page, winning him a Tac vest from BZ.
Pete Finnigan - who also found a prize winning bible page winning the JT goggle system from S-wasp.
Dr Indiana Jones - who played a small but exciting role throughout the day.
Finally and by no means least..
Glenn G Smith and David Rovardi - the Pyrotechnicians who got the day off to a great start with the biggest, loudest and brightest start signal I've ever seen, and who then spent the rest of the day in preparation for the final battle which incorporated over 160 aerial mortar blasts, countless ground shaking explosions, smoke screens and even an exploding shed!
Look out for all the scores and statistics in an up-coming edition of PBUK and for the next ShorelinePaintball event join the mailing list at http://www.shorelinepaintball.com