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Are we, as mankind, devolving?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2012
Thats natural selection for you right there, if all the theives turn out to be the ones on top, then boom, its Australia all over again haha, and look how that place turned out! Bloody amazing! Ima move their as soon as my finances let me.


Doing men things to men in the woods atm
Nov 21, 2004
Thats natural selection for you right there, if all the theives turn out to be the ones on top, then boom, its Australia all over again haha, and look how that place turned out! Bloody amazing! Ima move their as soon as my finances let me.
its ok if you like everything the same all the citys are pretty much the same with nothing outside them could be a very booring life for a lot of people


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2012
are you mad? Have you ever even been?

Melbourne is nothing like Sydney....Melbourne is full of crazy hippies and gangs and stuff, Sydney is.....like london :) Too expensive but nice to look at

Canon Fodder

Go to your brother, kill him with your gun.
Oct 28, 2008
That most people wouldn't survive in an emergency situation isn't proof we are becoming less intelligent or devolving, it just shows that we have evolved enough to change our environment enough that those skills are largely redundant.

Other posters have used the example of people sat on their backsides at home all day and claiming dole as evidence of devolution but if an animal evolved to such a state that other animals would feed it and bring it it's food it would be hailled as a truimph of evolution (think I remember some kind of wasp does this with bees nests).

And as for joining the army, volunteering to be shoot at doesn't sound like a good genetic trait to me.

On balance I think we are evolving still.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2012
Other posters have used the example of people sat on their backsides at home all day and claiming dole as evidence of devolution but if an animal evolved to such a state that other animals would feed it and bring it it's food it would be hailled as a truimph of evolution (think I remember some kind of wasp does this with bees nests).

And as for joining the army, volunteering to be shoot at doesn't sound like a good genetic trait to me

You think living off the bare minimum is a triumph? Your existance as a human is 100% useless if your on the dole. I work and enjoy luxuries a person on the dole can only dream of, and i help people in the process by going to work. And for those people who say existing as a human in general is 100% useless, just go away :) My point here is that living on the bare minimum, even if it is given to you, is not an achievement by any standards unless youre a moron.

As for joining the army, i didnt say that. I said a forces of some kind. The idea of the 1 year, is you gain the experience of a solider, YOU DO NOT GO TO WAR...the swiss make all their citizens join the forces whether it be army, navy or raf, but they do not go to a conflict unless they stay on and persue it as a career. It is purely for outdoor experience and discipline. And if its one thing i can say about kids in this country is, they need frigin discipline.


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
Yes yes, but none of this has anything to do with evolution. Evolution is about survival of the fittest, and nowadays do we breed to that standard? Do only the fittest survive to breed further? No chance.
It's got nothing to do with how much money you make or how much training you get. Strip all of that away and go back to basics... Are we better equipped now to survive than we used to be? Probably not I think. I think we are somewhat hampered by our intellect, and by the fact that we have become less inclined to breed with only superior genetic material. I think that we are only smart within the confines of the world we have built for ourselves, what with medicine, iphones, physics, etc. Strip that away and the guys who will survive will be the strongest, the fastest runners, anyone with genetic traits that help them survive. It's not always the cleverest that survives, or the guy who earns the most, or the guy who can catch the most rabbits.

Most of the time it's the baddest.


Pistolas y Corazones
Dec 9, 2006
You think living off the bare minimum is a triumph? Your existance as a human is 100% useless if your on the dole. I work and enjoy luxuries a person on the dole can only dream of, and i help people in the process by going to work. And for those people who say existing as a human in general is 100% useless, just go away :) My point here is that living on the bare minimum, even if it is given to you, is not an achievement by any standards unless youre a moron.

As for joining the army, i didnt say that. I said a forces of some kind. The idea of the 1 year, is you gain the experience of a solider, YOU DO NOT GO TO WAR...the swiss make all their citizens join the forces whether it be army, navy or raf, but they do not go to a conflict unless they stay on and persue it as a career. It is purely for outdoor experience and discipline. And if its one thing i can say about kids in this country is, they need frigin discipline.
What you're talking about seems mostly irrelevant mate, I doubt evolution has anything to do with whatever social "triumphs", "uses" and "achievements" you're thinking of. What is the use of existing as a human? What are you getting at?

It's not always the cleverest that survives, or the guy who earns the most, or the guy who can catch the most rabbits.

Most of the time it's the baddest.
All true, although considering the human is a social animal, being able to interact with and manipulate one other is important. And I think being clever is still great for the species at the moment as it encourages the creation and use of tools to make survival easier.

Edit: another thought, being bad to members of your own group may lead to expulsion or exclusion, losing you communal advantages.
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