The problem is, people view BNP as an entirely racist nazi style party and thus don't "want" to vote for them out of fear of being labeled the same.
Personally I dont care what people label me. But I would never vote BNP.
In fact I would go as far as to say that in my experience the average foreign worker will work harder, expect less and give less of an attitude than the average british worker.
There you go, a broad racist comment.
Yet im still not dumb enough to vote BNP.
When you read the manefesto, a lot of policies make sense and would do a lot of good, not all of them, but most of them.
Unfortunately, as I see it, the BNP would be one of the only parties who would come in and make the changes needed "promptly". Lib dem, conservative will come in and ride the "it was labors fault" train without actually doing anything untill the economy gets somewhat sorted out.
While the BNP may do 'something'. Perhaps more quickly than other parties. Labour have already proved the do something.. anything... strategy only makes a financial crisis worse.
What helps in these times is prudence, working hard together and a pride in our country.
Not scapegoating.
Campaigning on local issues is very amicable. But they are the only issues where the BNP are capable of making headway.
Its a massive step from emptying bins and filling potholes to sorting world economies.
When dealing with those issues, you have to be experienced, credible and also in touch with reality.
People like Nick Griffin posess none of these attributes.
The be all and end all is, no single party will reform the system, but in my opinion it will take a "radical" party in power (even for just one term) to get the cogs moving.
Never going to happen.
But I will put it down to the ramblings of a man sent mad by his impending forum ban (PS I voted against u getting banned)
They wont get in. Even if they did they are not capable of running the country.