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are MOD's a Law unto Themselves?..

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Jon & Chris rock my socks
May 13, 2008
Is it not obvious witht he big red username that they are Mods?! :confused:

You'd have thought nature would teach someone that 'brightly coloured' things tend to be able to do you some damage if provoked :p

Sid Sidgwick

Tinkering ain’t easy
Why should they tell you who they are? You find out by being nice or by the hard way.

These forums are fuelled by beer and sarcasm. Tom was simplpy asking you why you were posting in a manner that was difficult to read, you response was out of line, his question was not.

To be honest mate these boards are the best place for your paintball addiction but you dont seem to understand that your the one in the wrong not Tom? YOU OVEREACTED!

Sorry if you feel im sniping at you....In a way I am, im trying to point out that mountains are made out of molehills and by your continual tone this will only escelate to a full blown Bon witch hunt (may want to look up some on Bon's history)

Chill dude


New Member
Apr 17, 2009
lol.. hey guys, loving the replies.. cheers "Sid.."
one thing..TomAllen was/is not in "RED" and even if it had been.. i would not have kown why!

but yeah cheers..
anyways.. you gotta laugh, because life is too short...
so guys, can i continue my style of typing then... answers on a postcard to.. ;)

ok ok. anyways.. i got stuff to find, stuff to buy, stuff to talk about.. and MOD's to be cheeky too, ok ok.. only kidding.
As this is behind me now, even if my point in question is still unanswerd. but i have learnt one thing.. RED means a MOD.. :confused:

right.. wheres me beer gone :rolleyes:


I almost extended your ban as 2 days was a little short, just think yourself lucky Tom got to your post before I did and then for you to try and be a smart arse :rolleyes:

People don't need .... for their brains.... to catch up every ....4 or 5 words.

God forbid your attitude re-emerges on another thread

Tom Allen is definatley in red

Sid Sidgwick

Tinkering ain’t easy
lol.. hey guys, loving the replies.. cheers "Sid.."
one thing..TomAllen was/is not in "RED" and even if it had been.. i would not have kown why!

but yeah cheers..
anyways.. you gotta laugh, because life is too short...
so guys, can i continue my style of typing then... answers on a postcard to.. ;)

ok ok. anyways.. i got stuff to find, stuff to buy, stuff to talk about.. and MOD's to be cheeky too, ok ok.. only kidding.
As this is behind me now, even if my point in question is still unanswerd. but i have learnt one thing.. RED means a MOD.. :confused:

right.. wheres me beer gone :rolleyes:
Thats more like it, a dose of sarcasm and fun in your post. You'll get on fine from now im sure.


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
I almost extended your ban and just think yourself lucky Tom got to your post before I did and then for you to try and be a smart arse :rolleyes:

People don't need .... for their brains.... to catch up every ....4 or 5 words.

God forbid your attitude re-emerges on another thread

sorry... can you... slow ... it down ... a ... little, i can't ... keep ... up with ... what you are ... trying ... to ... say.

May...be dots... betw...een th...e l...e...t...t...e...r...s w...i...l...l m...a...k...e t...h...i...n...g...s e...a...s...i...e...r...?

(god damn that was hard to do)

Tom Allen

Jul 4, 2003
Jay, as Mario (who is also a MOD) said so well, any other mod would have shot you into cyberspace without a second glance.
Most of the guys on here will agree that out of all the mods i'm the most lenient of the group, i gave you fair warning and you went to far.
I gave you every opportunity to resolve the problem, and you still chose to push it even after i announced my position as a mod.
The two day ban is basically a warning shot, but we won't be that easy on you if you persist with the attitude.
I was waiting for your return to see whether you had at least thought about this, but it doesn't seem like you have the sense to know when to see reason.

Other members have shown that your ....... typing is annoying, so,

and listen to this bit,

Don't do it again

This way we'll get along fine.
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