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Any1 Want A Ecstacy Player For M25


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Yep, and this sorta thing is really going to do the M25 a lot of favours!!!!!!.

No offence Charlie cos your not the first team to do this, but putting a pro into a Rookie team is Sandbagging of the highest and worst order. If you wanna field a pro in such a division you should instantly be moved up minimum one divsion. We saw exactly this at the MM this week-end where certain teams were sandbagged by a couple of top AM players and they just ripped teams apart. I have no probs with people guesting, but this needs to be reflected into the Divisons. Players like Tom will make a huge difference to Freaks game. Sure he'll have 7 markers on him at the start, but I bet he'll bust open and win single handedly 3 of their games especially in a rookie div.

Same with the Ecstacy Dudes, great players, but with the M25 and the Chaos around the Div's teams fielding these guys should be pushed up a division. Besides it's not much of a game for these top players if their Punter Hunting on a Sup Air field. This yet again strengthens the arguement for mixed divsions, and or some form of handicapping.

Once again the Ecstacy and Nexus guys are all top blokes, and by no means should they be denied a chance to come and have a game, my believe is that their influence on a team will be massive especially in the rookie division, and must be taken into account. Seen it happen and believe me it's not funny when a team with top guests walks away with da Ho's and da rips at the end of a tournament.

I hope these guys do get a game, but Rookies and Novices using em should be likewise handicapped.



Back to Plat!
Oct 22, 2001
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yeah I fully agree with you mate but if Tom does play I don't want to be one of the teams who get ripped up by him. I was only thinking of using Dan for that one game as I already have 9 in the squad for sunday (no offence Dan but like Strongl says it would be too easy for you and unfair on all our other opponents). Also Tom mate, just think how you would have felt if Bugout had to play against say Leopards if they had say Olle Lang playng for them (hypothetically of course). Now I know you would jump at the chance as thats the kind of player you are. Butif Lang ripped through every team that day then you wouldn't be very happy and no one else in that div would be happy either. Div 4 is made up of teams who have only really been playinf tournies this year. A number of Skulls have never played tourney before till this year and on sunday I have 4 guys trying out at their first tourney ever. Control Freaks and Bad Taste have only just started playing tournies as well and its a bit unfair if you help the freaks out like that as you will whoop everyones ass! The Freaks are a decent bunch of players and they will be fine on their own, they had some very good games last time and if they have learnt from any mistakes they should do even better this time. By all means be there to help them from the sidelines etc as it will be great to see you again bud but playing is just going to piss off a number of the teams out there. I know you wouldn't want that.

Anyways bud I look forward t seeing you on sunday,


P.S. If you do play your ass is MINE!:D :p


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Dude, don't think we're not tempted by this as well. Especially as this is effectively our first 7 man, and we're already Div 3! Saying that we do have some experience. I alreday volunteered not to play and insert an Ecstacy Player in to our squad!!!!

As I said no probs with these guys playing at all, but a handicap system needs to be introduced, which would probably send the event organisers into meltdown.
yeah I fully agree with you mate but if Tom does play I don't want to be one of the teams who get ripped up by him. I was only thinking of using Dan for that one game as I already have 9 in the squad for sunday (no offence Dan but like Strongl says it would be too easy for you and unfair on all our other opponents). Also Tom mate, just think how you would have felt if Bugout had to play against say Leopards if they had say Olle Lang playng for them (hypothetically of course). Now I know you would jump at the chance as thats the kind of player you are. Butif Lang ripped through every team that day then you wouldn't be very happy and no one else in that div would be happy either. Div 4 is made up of teams who have only really been playinf tournies this year. A number of Skulls have never played tourney before till this year and on sunday I have 4 guys trying out at their first tourney ever. Control Freaks and Bad Taste have only just started playing tournies as well and its a bit unfair if you help the freaks out like that as you will whoop everyones ass! The Freaks are a decent bunch of players and they will be fine on their own, they had some very good games last time and if they have learnt from any mistakes they should do even better this time. By all means be there to help them from the sidelines etc as it will be great to see you again bud but playing is just going to piss off a number of the teams out there. I know you wouldn't want that.

Amen Bro.



Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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I'd rather not say!;)

Your not going to through your toys out of the pram on this one are you???? As I said I've got nowt against these guys, just with the Rookie divisions in the M25 it's going to be a problem....


New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Kent, UK
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If I'd had this kind of information last week, it could have made a big difference to the draw! One team did stand up last week and say they had roster changes from the team originally entered so asked to be in a high division (you know who you are boys - big respect), and one team mailed me a couple of weeks ago & asked if they could stay where they were and not go up because of losing a couple of their best players, which I appreciated being told.

I know emergencies arise a few days before tournaments and occasionally teams have no choice but to put a higher ranked player in to make up the numbers at the last moment but it looks like at least Control Freaks knew Tom was playing for them a while back. Naturally, if they do well in their division they will go up next time then they will have to play better opposition without their "star" player from this round. Not getting at any of these guys here, 'cause I like Tom lots and I think the Freaks are a really nice bunch. just using them as an example. BTW Tom, will Pete have a hissy fit if he finds out you're playing this weekend for a novice team?:eek:

There's also rumours flying around that at least one other team has a number of guests who usually play much higher than the team they are playing for. I won't name the team as these are just rumours as I said, but I think everyone will be very disappointed if it's true and they haven't told me!