Yep, and this sorta thing is really going to do the M25 a lot of favours!!!!!!.
No offence Charlie cos your not the first team to do this, but putting a pro into a Rookie team is Sandbagging of the highest and worst order. If you wanna field a pro in such a division you should instantly be moved up minimum one divsion. We saw exactly this at the MM this week-end where certain teams were sandbagged by a couple of top AM players and they just ripped teams apart. I have no probs with people guesting, but this needs to be reflected into the Divisons. Players like Tom will make a huge difference to Freaks game. Sure he'll have 7 markers on him at the start, but I bet he'll bust open and win single handedly 3 of their games especially in a rookie div.
Same with the Ecstacy Dudes, great players, but with the M25 and the Chaos around the Div's teams fielding these guys should be pushed up a division. Besides it's not much of a game for these top players if their Punter Hunting on a Sup Air field. This yet again strengthens the arguement for mixed divsions, and or some form of handicapping.
Once again the Ecstacy and Nexus guys are all top blokes, and by no means should they be denied a chance to come and have a game, my believe is that their influence on a team will be massive especially in the rookie division, and must be taken into account. Seen it happen and believe me it's not funny when a team with top guests walks away with da Ho's and da rips at the end of a tournament.
I hope these guys do get a game, but Rookies and Novices using em should be likewise handicapped.
No offence Charlie cos your not the first team to do this, but putting a pro into a Rookie team is Sandbagging of the highest and worst order. If you wanna field a pro in such a division you should instantly be moved up minimum one divsion. We saw exactly this at the MM this week-end where certain teams were sandbagged by a couple of top AM players and they just ripped teams apart. I have no probs with people guesting, but this needs to be reflected into the Divisons. Players like Tom will make a huge difference to Freaks game. Sure he'll have 7 markers on him at the start, but I bet he'll bust open and win single handedly 3 of their games especially in a rookie div.
Same with the Ecstacy Dudes, great players, but with the M25 and the Chaos around the Div's teams fielding these guys should be pushed up a division. Besides it's not much of a game for these top players if their Punter Hunting on a Sup Air field. This yet again strengthens the arguement for mixed divsions, and or some form of handicapping.
Once again the Ecstacy and Nexus guys are all top blokes, and by no means should they be denied a chance to come and have a game, my believe is that their influence on a team will be massive especially in the rookie division, and must be taken into account. Seen it happen and believe me it's not funny when a team with top guests walks away with da Ho's and da rips at the end of a tournament.
I hope these guys do get a game, but Rookies and Novices using em should be likewise handicapped.