I want to take a second here to clear marts name, he hasnt done anything wrong, well for the most part.
He simply posted a marker for sale, hosted pics on his website, and gave out the email of the true seller.
Now the true seller is the real deadbeat, a Steven Burton.
So while mart clearly hasnt done anyone over as far as i know, and it seems like he has done many sales here previously, i would consider making sure all the little details are out of the way.
hell i even paid with paypal, filed a claim, won it, but Mr. Burton has no money in his aco****...so i get nothing returned.
I dont know, i figured if you were selling something for someone you knew you would at least talk ot them once in a while, i cant even get a home address or telephone for Steven burton...i guess i just got ****ed to the max eh?>
edit: not to mention the email he gave me bounces now...