Originally posted by Skeet
...I couldnt help it, once I had written the first bit..my mind just took over...
So thats how you like it then skeet
But, if your mind was thinking that, then what was your body doing? They are inextricably linked, no? I think it went like this:
JAMIE: 'do you want me to sort your barrel too skeet?'
SKEET: '16 inches of fiery stick here my friend, where do you want it?'
JAMIE: 'I prefer an 18inch shaft myself, but give it to me just here skeet' *as jamie bends over the anno machine thingy to adjust the settings*
SKEET: 'What you doing jamie?'
JAMIE: 'Playing with a knob'
SKEET: 'Funny taht, what a coincidence...'
Skeet has a pepperstick people, see what i did there, see what i did???
So is that how it went?