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Ben Frain

twit twoo
Sep 7, 2002
In a tree
Originally posted by Philip
Ah, but kick would add to the accuracy....and was that anything to do with the fact that the angel is yours ;)

Nice colour....too bad its stuck to that ;) :D
No, wrong again, I'm currently markerless...

Kick? You can't seriously say that an Angel has more kick than a cocker? I have no problem with people saying Angels are ugly as beauty is in the eye of the beolder. However when people remark that Angels are difficult to maintain/inaccurate/unreliable it's a different matter. This is simply untrue.

This thread runs the risk of going downhill very quickly but all I would say to the original poster is this. If Angels really were as bad as the myths and some people on here would have you believe, do you really think that the Worlds most successful paintball team would continue to win every paintball tournament they enter whilst shooting them?


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Originally posted by DickySixx

And Dave, don't make me get militant on you...;)
Promises promises :D

Still find them... maybe inacurrate is harsh, but not as accurate as my cocker. Even using exactly the same barrel and paint on the two of them. Then again I found it difficult to use because of its lack of real kick :) so maybe it was me over compensating.



Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
I'm with Dave on this one.

Out of all the Markers I've owned, the Ir3 was perhaps the most disappointing. I think they are nice looking (not as nice as the new breed of Timmys though), better even than my I-framed Toxic ripping machine, but the Ir3 required constant attention to ensure that it was running at the optimum performance level. Maybe I bought into the Angel hype a little too much and expected something revolutionary, ball on ball accuracy and basically made me Ryan Greenspan I dunno. It just never lived up to my expectation.

My recently departed Toxic hardly ever saw an Allen Key, just oiled it every week. Take it out the bag after 2 weeks of nothing, air it and straight to the Chrono and it was 294, 296, 296, 295.

The Angel however was constant adjustment, fudgery, shims etc. I think back in the day with the old Eclipse Leds when they were put together by Naked 18 year old virgins in the Planet shed they really were the biz, now they seem to be like any other mass produced marker, prone to some great ones and some mediocre ones. Get a mediocre one and your never want another. The same could be said for the Impy, Shocker, Timmy or whatever. You own bad anything and you won't want another (probably just been lucky with all the Impies I've owned).

The plus of the Angels is, that they don't need upgrading like some of the Vision Impies out there. Most Impy owners I know have customised their markers "somewhat" to get them to rip (bit like a BMW, the option list on an Impy doubles the cost of the marker). They become Custom machines that will out perform standard Angels because of the wide range of upgrades, they effectively become full on custom markers. Bang a stick trigger on an Ir3 Mem 6 boarded Angel and they do rip too, just could'nt be bothered to have to keep on adjusting this, that and the other to make it consistent for more than half a day.

At the end of the day, you pays your money and takes your pick. Get a Good A4, and you'll never look back, get a bad one and it'll be in the classifieds quicker than LJs last performance with a women.

Currently shooting a Nexus E-blade and despite only playing with it a little bit all I can say is AWESOME. Best Marker ever straight outta the box, totally revolutionalised my thinking on Markers, well until I shoot that Empire Timmy.

To sum up, Angels are good markers, they are highly competent outta the box. Don't buy into the hype too much and your probably won't be disappointed.

2 pence worth


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2002
Nakatomi Plaza
Originally posted by stongl
...I think back in the day with the old Eclipse Leds when they were put together by Naked 18 year old virgins in the Planet shed they really were the biz...
Got one for sale if anyone's interested...:)


New Member
Feb 5, 2003
cockersrule.. i remember not so long ago you thought angels
were the skum of the earth?

John its basically how you feel with the gun. I mean ive gone back to an angel from a e-blade,and ive had more problems with the cocker than angel,and i had more problems with the impulse before the angel. Ive had nothing go wrong with angel, just got it serviced when i bought it and its fine. The one thing is that depending on what paint you shoot you will proberly get breaks, i mean with the cocker i didnt break 99% of the time, but with the angel its more like 65%, because the cocker works at a lower pressure and seams to be more freindly to paint.
John your a back player, you just need a paint chucka angels will do that fine
(anyone feel free to attack me for my comments):D


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2002
Nakatomi Plaza
Originally posted by L1f3
£50 for the 18 year old naked virgin :D
LOL :)

His name's Mario...;)

Cockersrule- why don't you borrow someone's angel for a few games and see what you reckon....


Active Member
Jan 24, 2003
Searching for the pro-tour....:S
Well i'm not gonna bad mouth Angels, but here's the recent gun movements of my team.

Me : ULE Mag - I framed Impy
Jay : Hyper Mag - I Framed Voodoo impy + entire ND catalogue
Andy : 6 month old X-mag C&C - I framed strange impy
Colin : IR3 - I framed Impy
Dave : E-blade / Angel LCD - ABout to buy....an I framed impy
Dan : Voodoo impy as first gun!
Tony : Excellerator - soon to buy impy.

And no, we are not sponsored by SP, we just like to shoot fast guns!

Oh and before I get flamed for using SP gear due to their "unfair" marketing strategies id just like to ask how many people are not using microsoft products to view these pages! :p

