Walking the fields
As Twink has already posted, not only do we have a lot of Joe Public in on the Saturday, we also have the final selection for the X Ball team.
This therefore means that the fields are not open for inspection on the Saturday.
If you guys are that desperate to walk the fields the night before ( when you could be out drinking ! ), I will stay behind ( for no financial or alchoholic benefit, ( although) maybe !! ) at the end of our normal customer day ( 6.00 pm ), so you can check out the angles and whatever else you want to do
You will have to telephone me in advance, and it would be appreciated if you all cleared off by 9.00 pm ( as I do have a bit of a life, and I have to do my hair before I play on Sunday
Look forward to being shot by you all on Sunday,
Big Ian
P S If you havn't paid deposits yet, you may be too late. Ring the office to check.
P P S As we are doing the X Ball on the Saturday, this is strictly limited to the players etc that Robbo has invited along. No onlookers / spectators.
As Twink has already posted, not only do we have a lot of Joe Public in on the Saturday, we also have the final selection for the X Ball team.
This therefore means that the fields are not open for inspection on the Saturday.
If you guys are that desperate to walk the fields the night before ( when you could be out drinking ! ), I will stay behind ( for no financial or alchoholic benefit, ( although) maybe !! ) at the end of our normal customer day ( 6.00 pm ), so you can check out the angles and whatever else you want to do
You will have to telephone me in advance, and it would be appreciated if you all cleared off by 9.00 pm ( as I do have a bit of a life, and I have to do my hair before I play on Sunday
Look forward to being shot by you all on Sunday,
Big Ian
P S If you havn't paid deposits yet, you may be too late. Ring the office to check.
P P S As we are doing the X Ball on the Saturday, this is strictly limited to the players etc that Robbo has invited along. No onlookers / spectators.