You do not need to inform the entire forum of every pm you send or every item you post so stop using it as an excuse to bump your thread.
All those posts could have been done by via private message.
Next attempt at a fail BUMP gets your thread deleted and an infraction for everyone you have done on this thread.
I hope that is clear.
thanks for the concern gassy
the so called fail bumps were actually used to either notify more than one person that their item had been sent so i wouldnt have to send two or three pm's and if what you state is correct that all my post could have been sent via private message you would recommend sending about 25000 messages, 1 out to all members telling them that items had been reduced on my thread! im sure every 1 would be very thank ful
also if all the posts i put up were fails why did i get thanked for it
hope that is clear for you also
thanks and much love the mugga