Before anyone get's on their high horse and starts flaming Steph (hiyas sweetie
)...The 6E Chicks were not strictly speaking the first UK all girls team although I think they could be described as the UK's first all girlie "Sup' Air" team...
In '91 there was an all female team called "Dame-olition"...the girls team offshoot of "Demoltion"...but as Steph was around 5 years old then and not an old fogey like me I wouldn't expect her to remember
By the way...if anyone actually played for Dame-olition or knows someone who did I'd really appeciate a call 0870 777 6492.
All female teams tended to fade off the scene not long after this until the arrival of the 6E Chicks and the Stormbirds...since 2K3 most of the girls themselves have either drifted back into other teams or moved onto other things.
The only UK female team I'm aware of at the minute is the SAD Fallen Angels. There was a US team called the Black Widows who were a really nice bunch I met at EMR a couple of years idea what happened to them.
Actually (and I'm going to get roasted for this) although I am a very strong supporter of women playing I don't think there's a place for "all female" teams in paintball...