Sorry if I sound exasperated. I do play a lot of tournaments. I am not influencial, or even particularly known, but from what I have seen, tournament organizers will find the path of least resistance through something like this- write down the 100 point score and move on.
Smart Parts is generous in supporting the tournaments where most of the SP teams play, so the promoter, if it isn't the Gardener brothers themselves, will simply score the match as any other no-show would be scored and not raise anything like a stink. Also, I would kill for a sponsorship that actually gaurantees high exposure and wins
Far better to simply avoid spending money on SP gear, and maybe create an atmosphere where SP gear is not fashionable. I actually understand teams that do business with the devil, painrtball competition is expensive enough that help from any quarter is hard to turn from (especially since it- that help- will just go to someone else). If no one buys SP gear, they may not have as much cash for legal operations, though that kind of solution could take a LONG time to show results.