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After you're dead and gone


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
I was asked by my local yachting club to donate the skin surrounding my appendage so they could kit out the vast majority of their boats with sails ... I of course complied with their wishes but asked what they were gonna do with the left-overs ...
hate to break it to you, but I'm guessing the guy that runs your local yachting club is as gay as France.
Expect a call to 'get measured up' within a couple of weeks.


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
lol 00 gauge.
But in a similar vein to Robbo, I've just had a call from Wimbledon, they need new court covers. And as for my ballsack, that grinning crossdresser Branson is looking to use it for his next ill-fated balloon adventure. He'll have to remove the balls tho, because they are so awesome he may get impregnated.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2009
[FONT=&quot]I have absolutely no care what happens to me when am dead. As long as there is a big bronze statue somewhere saying how great I was. So I guess because I don’t care about it I feel I should be automatically opted in. if I care that much I could opt out.[/FONT]


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
It should be 'opt out' for obvious reasons .. as to why isn't this already is just another example of the stupidity of our successive governments ... they really are insensitive idiots.

I don't give a cr@p what they do with my body but maybe that's more of a concern for the people I leave behind, I mean, even though some people might be of a similar opinion to my own, would they feel the same [god forbid] if one of their children died and a kidney was needed elsewhere ... all of a sudden a principle isn't so clear cut ...

Edit Ooops, I originally wrote 'opt in' when I meant opt out .... d'oh ! ... sorry guys, I will blame it on my age ... :)


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
I suppose a lot of this comes down to if you believe in an afterlife or not and such.

I would rather it was an "opt out" system where you have to go out your way to opt out, otherwise your organs are fair game to save other lives.

Its simple in my eye, when you kick the bucket, your not gonna care or not if your missing a few organs, why deprive someone else of an extended life by "taking it with you" when in a few hours time it is already worthless and in a months time its gonna just rot into the soil and degrade to nothing anyway.

Frankly, I think it is selfish of people to "not" want others to have an extended life by donating organs of people who have died. Ok your loved one may have died, but why should another person / family suffer because you dont want them to use the replacements?

Alternatively look at it like this, would you take an organ to save your life if needed? If yes, why arn't you a registered donor if you haven't signed up already?

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Frankly, I think it is selfish of people to "not" want others to have an extended life by donating organs of people who have died. Ok your loved one may have died, but why should another person / family suffer because you dont want them to use the replacements?
For me this sentiment goes even one step further. Your loved one may have died, so why not give them the opportunity to bless one more final person by saving the life of an unknown?
That way, you may have had the most unimportant life ever, the most meaningless one in existence, but you make it all worthwhile by this one, great act.