There's some good advice there (I think) thanks. Since I havge played on a very inexperienced team for a fair bit of my career (that's not the tright word, but it'll do) I heartily aprove of the "Respect not awe" atitude, we have beaten a few teams that didn't show us enough repect and payed for it
Our first tourney we played Shokwave UK, and we shot one of them he he he he he.
Any more advice keep it coming.
Flash, I look forward to seeing the legendary race-grip
There's some good advice there (I think) thanks. Since I havge played on a very inexperienced team for a fair bit of my career (that's not the tright word, but it'll do) I heartily aprove of the "Respect not awe" atitude, we have beaten a few teams that didn't show us enough repect and payed for it
Our first tourney we played Shokwave UK, and we shot one of them he he he he he.
Any more advice keep it coming.
Flash, I look forward to seeing the legendary race-grip